This week we are changing things up… Hayden and I each made a list of what would be our 7 Wonders of Wisconsin!! Hear us chat about all our favorite places. After you listen, head to our Instagram to vote on who’s list is better!
This idea was inspired by a reel made by @mariahhaberman back in May!
Julia's Wonders:
Old World Wisconsin - Eagle - Episode 23
Pattison State Park - Superior - Episode 9
Miijim - La Pointe - Episode 24
Moon’s Town Pump - Cassville - Episode 20
EPIC - Verona - Episode 26
Quivey’s Grove - Fitchburg - Episode 6
Hadyen's Wonders:
Lambeau Field - Green Bay - Episode 1
Camp Randall - Madison
The Downtowner Bar & Grill - Baraboo - Episode 21
3rd Street - La Crosse
Mississippi River, Wisconsin River, & Castle Rock Lake
Honorable Mentions
This Google Map will be a great resource for all your adventures! Each week when we release a new episode the map will gain more pins. Every recommendation we make on the podcast will be on this Google Map. It will be just another resource to make your adventures as smooth as possible and have all of our recommendations in one spot!
Have a destination you want us to do an episode on?
Have a recommendation, or feedback for us? Let us know here! Don't forget to tag us in your adventures @ThatWisconsinCouple and use #OnTheRoadWithTWC
See you next week for another episode of On the Road with That Wisconsin Couple!